It’s just the
newest fad diet these days to go gluten-free, right? What is this stuff, “gluten,”
anyway? Turns out this newest “fad” actually makes a lot of sense when we look
into it. Gluten is the protein found in wheat and most other grains. Although
grains (the seeds of grass plants) are mostly carbohydrate, there is a little
fat and protein thrown in there too.
So let’s talk
about grains. Grains are the newest food to be added to the human diet, from an
evolutionary perspective (besides red #6 and weird processed food ingredients
like butylated hydroxytoluene, but that’s another story). We’ve only been
eating grains for about 10,000 years, at most. And that’s only in certain areas
of the world. When you look at the fact that homo sapiens have been on the
planet for over 400,000 years, and our older ancestors dating back to homo
habilis have been on the planet for 2.3 million years, this is only the blink
of an eye. Actually, this means we’ve been eating grains for only the last
0.04% of the time our species has been on this planet.
Grains are not
human food. We do not have a gizzard, which is the organ that grainivores have
that grinds the grains into flour inside their bodies. This is why we have to
grind grains and cook them in order to eat them. Grainivores also eat little
sticks and rocks to help their gizzards grind up the grains. Have you ever seen
a wheat berry? It’s like a small rock. We would never eat that in the wild,
that’s why our ancestors did not consider it food for the first 99.96% of human
started with the agricultural revolution. Humans realized that they could stop
following the herd they relied on for survival, and stay in one place, if they
planted the fields and kept domesticated animals. Thus was born farming. We
needed foods that could be stored when animal foods were scarce, and
increasingly came to rely on grains and beans, in addition to root vegetables,
squash, and other foods that could be stored. These were used to supplement the
animal foods that were available at the time.
Humans began
experiencing a great increase in sickness and disease with the adoption of this
foreign food group. Although many of us think of ancient humans as living short
difficult lives, this is the experience of more recent people, after the
agricultural revolution (like the middle ages). Pre-agricultural humans, or
hunter-gatherers, often lived long and healthy lives. There are mummies that
date back to pre-agricultural times that have all of their teeth and are
believed to be close to 100 years old. Our human body evolved over millennia to
be an amazing machine, when fed the right foods. Grains cause disease in
multiple ways. First of all, there are a plethora of “anti-nutrients” in grains
that strip vitamins and minerals out of the human body. The primary
anti-nutrients are phytates, which bind to minerals and results in rickets,
slowed skeletal growth, iron-deficiency anemia, and leaky gut syndrome.
Leaky gut is a
very real issue in our society today. The main diseases that result from grain
eating, besides vitamin and mineral deficiencies, are autoimmune disorders.
When we eat grains, especially whole grains - which are actually worse for our
bodies, the bran part of the grain that makes it a “whole grain” rips tiny microscopic
holes in our intenstinal lining. (By the way, the reason they tell us whole
grains are better for us is because they cause a slightly slower raise in blood
glucose. This is similar to saying that low-tar cigarettes are slightly better
for you than high-tar cigarettes so you should smoke a lot of them.) When we
have these holes in our intestinal walls, intact proteins from our diet can
leak into our blood stream instead of being broken down into individual amino
acids. When the body sees certain intact proteins from our diet (like gluten
and casein - milk protein) in our
blood, it thinks this protein is a pathogen because many germs and pathogens
are long protein strings. The body reacts with an immune response against the
imagined invader. When this goes on for years, the immune system eventually
turns on its host and causes auto-immune problems. These include: Type I
Diabetes Mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis and joint problems, Crohn’s disease,
colitis, celiac, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, psoriasis and eczema, hypo-
and hyperthyroidism, depression, anxiety, Sjogren’s syndrome, and irritable
bowel syndrome, among many others.
So why are grains
the base of the food pyramid and why are we told to eat a diet high in
“healthy” whole grains? Well, the most obvious explanation is because the grain
industry likes it that way. They make a lot of money off of our grain-eating
ways, and the health care industry makes a lot of money off of treating these
diseases. The reason this misinformation has been perpetuated for so many
years, especially in our country, is because nutrition research in America is
almost exclusively industry-funded. There is no federally-funded nutrition
research in the U.S., like there is in many other Westernized countries. This
means that most of the nutrition research here is funded by groups like the
grain and sugar industries. This obviously sways the results of the research,
and which studies not only get funded, but which get published.
Many people are
forced to eat a diet higher in grains and other cheap carbohydrates because
animal foods are more expensive. There is also an incorrect belief that grains
and plant foods are easier on the planet that growing animals. Ironically,
these days we not only eat grains ourselves but feed it to our domesticated
animals – like chickens, who are omnivores and eat worms, and cows who are
supposed to be eating grass. But is it really cheaper when we look at the costs
of health care, and living shorter lives? There is a quote I like that says
something like, Pay for food now or doctor’s bills later. When the destruction
of the soil and our bodies is taken into account, we find that grain eating is
not actually cheaper or better for the planet.
But how can we
possibly give up bread? The staff of life, give us this day… Crusty baguettes
and cake and donuts and cookies. Well, gluten-free has been a “fad” long enough
that wonderful alternative have been put on the market. I have been off of gluten
grains for almost a decade, and don’t miss them at all. I eat sandwiches, cake,
cookies, and pizza – mostly made out of rice, tapioca, and potato starch, all
of which are “safe starches”. But mostly I eat healthy animal foods. And in
addition to watching the pounds melt away, I got to watch numerous health
problems melt away as well.
Or you can make gluten-free alternatives yourself, at home!
My favorite gluten-free flour blend (use
this instead of wheat flour in any recipe)
6 Cups white rice flour
2 Cups potato starch
1 Cup tapioca flour or starch
xantham gum, guar gum, or agar agar
as a binding agent – amounts vary depending on whether the recipe is for bread,
cake, or cookies and will be given on the package.
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