Effect of Fructose on Triglyceride Levels in Humans: A Systematic Review and
Research Proposal
Background: The monosaccharide fructose is being
investigated as a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease, based on
the premise that it causes serum triglycerides (TAG) to increase to a greater
extent than glucose.
Objective: A systematic review was conducted of
clinical trials comparing fructose and glucose in order to determine their
respective effects on TAG levels in adults.
Design: Utilizing a literature search on MEDLINE
(through May 2012), relevant controlled trials of pure fructose in comparison
to glucose were examined. All such studies included a dietary fructose exposure
that can be achieved through normal dietary intake.
Results: Nine of the twelve studies in this
review found some evidence of a difference in the effect of fructose on TAGs,
compared to the effect produced by glucose. One of the nine trials found this result among men and not
women, and one trial found that only postprandial TAGs (not fasting TAGs) were
significantly increased with fructose. The remaining three studies did not find
any evidence of a difference in the effect produced by fructose on TAG
concentrations, compared to the effects from glucose.
Conclusions: The data in this systematic review suggest
that the consumption of fructose may cause a larger increase in TAGs than the
consumption of glucose. However, more research is needed on this topic due to
shortcomings of studies conducted to date.
disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the developed world, and despite
the advances in therapeutic approaches like statin drugs, rates are continuing
to climb(1). Currently, 36.9% of U.S. adults have some form of CVD, which
includes cardiac disease, peripheral arterial disease, vascular diseases of the
kidney and brain, hypertension, heart failure, stroke, and coronary heart
disease. This percentage is expected to rise to 40.5% by 2030(1).
and hypertension have both been identified as factors that lead to the
development of CVD. Meta-analyses and systematic reviews of CVD have
established elevated serum triacylglyceride (TAG) levels as one of the
independent risk factors for this collection of diseases(2).
are a variety of factors that are believed to contribute to raised TAG levels,
including weight gain/obesity, a lack of physical activity, the use of tobacco,
excessive amounts of alcohol, the excessive consumption of carbohydrates,
diseases like type 2 diabetes and renal disorders, the use of certain drugs,
and a genetic predisposition toward dyslipidemia(2).
TAGs are usually measured as part of a
lipid profile, which also includes total cholesterol levels, high-density
lipoproteins (HDL), and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). Occasionally an
extended lipid profile may be taken which includes very-low density
lipoproteins (VLDL) as well. High levels of LDL and VLDL, both of which contain
large amounts of TAGs, indicate the presence of hyperlipidemia and are well
established as risk factors for not only CVD but also pancreatitis and stroke(3).
Hypertriglyceridemia is a very common
form of dyslipidemia in our population today(4). Generally, normal levels are
considered less than 150 mg/dL, borderline high is 150-199 mg/dL, high is
200-499 mg/dL, and very high levels are considered to be greater than or equal
to 500 mg/dL(5). In the 1999-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey it was found (measuring fasting TAG levels) that 33% of American adults
have borderline high TAGs, 18% have high levels of TAGs, and 1.7% have very
high TAG concentrations(5).
Because of the presence of large
concentrations of TAGs following a meal, fasting TAG concentrations may not be
the best indicator of coronary risk. Many studies have attempted to determine
whether postprandial or fasting TAG concentrations are the better predictor of
atherosclerosis. Recently, several studies(6, 7), as well as several reviews(8-10)
indicate that postprandial triglyceride measurements, compared to fasting
values, are a better indicator of risk for coronary disease.
Carbohydrates have been found to raise
TAG levels more than other dietary substances. Recent studies have attempted to
determine if fructose raises TAG levels more than the consumption of other
monosaccharides. Fructose is a component of a variety of commonly consumed
sweeteners including sucrose (table sugar), high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS),
maple syrup, and honey, among others. A potential mechanism for this
physiological effect may be an increase in de novo lipogenesis (DNL), whereby
the synthesis of the saturated fatty acid palmitate is activated in the liver
by excess fructose consumption. The resulting hepatic metabolism may culminate
in an increased flow of TAGs, high in palmitate, which are packaged in very
low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs)(11). Some researchers have found that the
monosaccharide fructose is unique, compared to glucose, in its tendency to
cause DNL(11-13), while other researchers have failed to find this differential
effect(14, 15).
Fructose consumption in the US is
significant, with mean consumption estimated by The National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) to be 54.7 g/day, which accounts for
10.2% of total energy intake(16). Approximately 41% of the total sugars in the
American diet come from fructose(16). Hence, if fructose has a more adverse
effect on TAG than glucose (the other primary monosaccharide in the diet) there
may be significant public health implications. The purpose of this paper is to review
human studies that have evaluated whether fructose increases TAG levels to a
greater extent than glucose.
In this systematic review of RCCTs and
crossover trials, data suggest that the consumption of fructose may cause a
larger increase in TAG concentrations than the consumption of glucose, however,
the quantity of quality studies are insufficient to draw concrete conclusions
about this relationship and indicates that more research is needed on this
Nine of the twelve studies in this review
found some evidence of a difference in effect from fructose, compared to
glucose, on TAG concentrations. In general, studies that measured postprandial
TAGs; used a hypercaloric diet; and were short in duration (one day exposure)
more often reported a difference in effect. Other systematic reviews on the
effects of fructose on TAGs in humans have come to mixed conclusions(9, 27,
28), although only one of these reviews examined the isocaloric exchange of
fructose for other dietary carbohydrates(28) and none of them compared the
results of fructose exposure to equal glucose exposure on TAGs.
In this review, there were only seven
studies that were rated as high quality, measured postprandial TAGs, and
compared the exposure of pure fructose to an equal exposure of pure glucose(11,
20-25), six of which found some evidence of a difference in effect on TAGs for
fructose, compared to glucose(11, 20-22, 24, 25).
There is a proposed biologic mechanism of
action whereby fructose may increase TAG levels to a greater extent than
glucose (see Figure 1). The metabolisms of the monosaccharides fructose and
glucose have a number of major differences. Whereas virtually every cell in the
body can metabolize glucose, fructose is largely shunted to the liver by the
hepatic portal vein for metabolism. The liver responds to fructose consumption
by engaging in lipogenesis, manufacturing triglycerides and packaging them in
lipoproteins. Of relevance to this review is that whereas glucose metabolism is
inhibited by excess energy intake, through cytosolic ATP and citrate levels(11),
as well as the production of leptin and insulin, fructose consumption doesn’t
affect these hormones, and the metabolism of fructose isn’t believed to be
regulated by levels of intake(24). Because of these distinctions between
metabolism of fructose and glucose, it is important to examine the relative effect
of fructose and glucose on TAG levels at different levels of intake and in the
context of both isocaloric and hypercaloric diets to evaluate whether
meaningful differences in effect on TAG exist.
The research on fructose and its relative
effects on TAGs, compared to glucose, has a number of shortcomings. These
include relatively small sample sizes used (the largest sample in this review
had only 34 subjects); doses that are on average larger than those consumed by
the general population; the limited duration of exposure in the studies
conducted so far, which prevents long-term effects to be known (7 of the 12
trials in this review lasted for < 1 day); the low amount of human studies
on this topic; and the fact that some of the existing studies do not compare
fructose with a comparable form of glucose but use starch or another glucose
source instead.
Three studies in this review had design
flaws that were significant enough to question their findings regarding the
effect that fructose has on TAGs compared to glucose. Two studies used starch
or maltodextrose as the source of glucose rather than liquid monosaccharides in
identical form for both the fructose and glucose interventions. Consequently,
the validity of findings from these studies may be called into question(14,
19). The study that used starch (delivered in bread) as the source of glucose
found evidence of a greater effect of fructose on TAG compared to glucose(19).
The study that used maltodextrose (provided as part of a liquid diet) did not
find a difference in the effect of fructose and glucose on TAG(14). Since
starch, as well as maltodextrins (a lightly hydrolyzed starch product) are both
made up of longer chains of glucose molecules that must be lysed during
digestion, it is possible that these products may take significantly longer to
digest than pure glucose. This is especially true for starch, which may be only
partially digested. Adding to concern with the study that used starch as the
source of glucose is the use of a food matrix (bread) for delivery of the
starch, whereas the fructose was delivered in liquid from. It could be
speculated that the difference of effect found between fructose (delivered in
liquid form) and glucose (delivered as starch in bread) in this study is
attributable to this design flaw(19). The other study in this review with a
major design flaw, Hudgins, et al., compared liquid fructose to liquid glucose,
but the researchers failed to compare equal doses of the two monosaccharides(13).
After undergoing an OGTT (75 grams glucose in liquid form), subjects were given
a single bolus dose of either fructose alone, or two different ratios of both
glucose and fructose together in a randomized crossover design. The fructose
dose was 0.5 g/kg body weight (BW), a second dose was 0.5 g/kg BW of both
glucose and fructose (F:G), and the third dose was 1.0 g/kg BW of both glucose
and fructose (2X F:G). The OGTT was a similar dose of glucose as the total
amount of sugar in the F:G dose for an average subject’s body weight, so that is
the dose of most interest for this review. Unfortunately, no statistical data
was given for the F:G dose but the researchers stated that all three doses of
fructose or fructose/glucose had significant increases in total TAG. Despite
these increases in TAGs, without a direct comparison of equal doses of glucose
and fructose, serious limitations exist in the ability to interpret the results
of this study on the difference of effect between fructose and glucose. An
order effect is also of concern in this study because the OGTT (glucose dose)
was always administered first.
Another important shortcoming in the
literature on this topic is the lack of consensus on whether fasting or
postprandial TAG measurements are a stronger risk factor for CVD. Although
recent research has shown postprandial measurements to be a better indicator of
atherosclerosis, historically, fasting TAG measurements were considered to be a
better indicator and therefore were used more commonly as an outcome measure.
This has resulted in many older studies neglecting to take postprandial
measurements, and consequently there is a lack of postprandial TAG data in
three of the 12 studies included in this review. A larger percentage of studies
in this review measuring postprandial TAGs, compared to studies that measured
fasting TAGs, found evidence of an effect of the fructose intervention on
increased TAG levels compared to the glucose intervention. Since postprandial TAG measurements have been
found by many reviews(8-10) to be more reliable at predicting CVD than fasting
measurements, these studies may be more indicative of the effect of fructose
feeding on increases in TAG levels. Of the five studies in this review
that were longer term, only two of these studies measured postprandial TAGs,
and both found that fructose raised postprandial TAG levels more than glucose(11,
20), although one of them, Bantle et al., with a trial lasting 6 weeks, only
found this result among men and not women(20). Stanhope et al., in 2009, with
an intervention period of 10 weeks, conducted the longest study in this review.
They also measured fasting and postprandial TAG levels, and found a significant
increase for both men and women for postprandial TAG levels, although,
interestingly, this result was not observed for fasting TAGs(11).
There are two additional shortcomings in
the research conducted on this topic to date. Many studies on the effect of
fructose on TAGs were of very short duration. For example, 7 of the 12 studies
in this review lasted for < 1 day. Since fructose exposure is usually
chronic, it is necessary that future research consists of longer trials,
examining the effect that fructose has compared to glucose, over longer time
periods. Also, 10 of the 12 studies here used relatively high doses, comparing
fructose and glucose exposures of
> 100 g/day, or up to 30% of daily energy intake. This makes it
challenging to evaluate the effect that fructose has on TAG levels, compared to
glucose, at more typical intake levels, like those present in average American
diets. Because of this, it is important that future research examines the
effects of fructose at more realistic doses and for longer durations.
In order to accumulate an adequate amount
of evidence to determine whether fructose has a greater effect on TAG levels
than glucose, more high-quality research is needed. It will be necessary to
conduct this research with RCCTs or randomized crossover trials lasting four weeks
or more, containing large enough sample sizes in order to have the necessary
statistical power, measuring postprandial TAGs, and using dosages of fructose
and glucose that are more typical in the standard American diet in order to
determine if fructose is the primary monosaccharide contributing to
hypertriglyceridemia. Additional studies are also necessary in order to
determine whether hypertriglyceridemia is the primary biomarker for atherosclerosis.
If future studies provide conclusive evidence that fructose increases TAG
concentrations more than glucose, both public policies and dietary recommendations
may need to be adjusted. By altering these guidelines, the progression of
dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease could potentially be reduced.
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